The hepatitis B vaccine’s value and necessity: A statement from Hepatitis B Foundation President Chari A. Cohen, DrPH, MPH | Read more here.

The Social impact of Living With Hepatitis B

Infographic 2

Social impact: Many respondents reported being impacted socially by hepatitis B in different ways, ranging from feeling avoided to feeling that their family and personal relationships have been negatively affected by their diagnosis.


  • 60% felt others avoid them.
  • 43% try to avoid others (self-isolate).
  • 48% said having hepatitis B negatively affected their relationships with family and friends.
  • 32% didn’t share their diagnosis with loved ones for fear of being treated differently.

One participant said “… I haven't been in a romantic relationship for years and years and years, and you know that certainly would be scary if I met somebody, to tell them.”

Take action:

  • Please know that:
    • Hepatitis B does not define who you are or what you can do.
    • People with hepatitis B can have loving, fulfilling relationships, without fear of transmitting the virus to loved ones.
    • It is important to have a support network to help you through your hepatitis B journey.
  • Disclosing your hepatitis B status can be difficult, but there is help! Join to talk with others and ask questions.
  • Before discussing your hepatitis B with others, prepare yourself with information at