The hepatitis B vaccine’s value and necessity: A statement from Hepatitis B Foundation President Chari A. Cohen, DrPH, MPH | Read more here.

Hepatitis B Online Support Groups

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For immediate assistance with general mental health or a crisis, in the U.S. you can call 988, and globally you can find resources here

Support Groups

There are some good Internet Support Group Listservs dedicated to hepatitis B. These Lists provide emotional support and practical help for those living with hepatitis B. There are also organizations that can refer individuals to traditional in-person support groups.  

Internet Support Groups

Hep B Community is a global peer-led, volunteer-driven forum to support those living with and affected by hep B supported by the Hepatitis B Foundation (USA) and Westmead Hospital Foundation (AU)We are dedicated to connecting people affected by hep B with each other and with verified experts in the field who provide trustworthy and accurate advice.

HBV Adoption Support List

Adoptive or biological parents of children living with hepatitis B are invited to participate. This is a restricted list to protect the privacy of parents and children, and requires pre-approval by the list owners to join. Update: This group has moved to Facebook and is currently set to private. Please email for more information. 

If you know of any other online support groups, please email us at