B Informed Conference Videos and Information
The Hepatitis B Foundation and the Sidney Kimmel Cancer Center hosted the B Informed Patient Conference on July 27, 2024 in honor of World Hepatitis Day in Philadelphia to provide a platform for people with lived experience, health care providers, and researchers to engage in meaningful conversation about hepatitis B and liver cancer. Over 70 people attended the conference with representation from the scientific and medical communities, community health organizations, storytellers from across the East Coast, and public health professionals with a dedicated interest in addressing hepatitis B.
(L-R) #justB storytellers: Wendy, Rav, DeWayne, Jacki and Su
The day featured presentations and panel discussions focused on patient advocacy and empowering people living with hepatitis B to overcome stigma and find meaning beyond their diagnosis. Medical providers shared crucial insights about monitoring liver health, testing for hepatitis delta (a co-infection that can occur with hepatitis B), and adopting healthy lifestyle changes. Scientists shared updates on drug development and clinical trials for hepatitis B.
Conference key components:
1. Empower the patient voice
2. Monitor liver health
3. Stay updated and informed
Please review the full 2024 B Informed Patient Conference report here.
2019 B Informed Patient Conference
The Hepatitis B Foundation was proud to partner with the St. Barnabas Medical Center's Center for Asian Health to offer a free half-day conference on June 8, 2019 for people living with hepatitis B. The conference included an update on current hepatitis B research from Hepatitis B Foundation President, Dr. Timothy Block, and breakout sessions on topics including Advocacy & Storytelling; Finding Affordable Medications; Living with Hepatitis B; and Participating in Clinical Trials.
View Presentation Slides:
Hepatitis B: Are We on the Road to Elimination?
Su Wang, MD, MPH, Saint Barnabas Medical Center and President-Elect, World Hepatitis Alliance
Research Update- What's New in HBV Cure Development
Tim Block, PhD, President, Hepatitis B Foundation
Patients Driving Change: Storytelling and Advocacy
Jason Crum; Rhea Racho, MPAff; and Kate Moraras, MPH, Hepatitis B Foundation
Navigating Prescriptions, Pharmacies and Insurance: Tips for Affordable HBV Medications
Alyssa Gallipani, Pharm D, BCAP, RWJBarnabas Health
Michaela Jackson, MS, Hepatitis B Foundation
HBV Therapeutic Development: The Ins and Outs of Clinical Trials
Sean Cunningham, MBA, Janssen
The Importance of Asian American Engagement with Clinical Trials
Christine Lee, PharmD, PhD, FDA
View Videos:
Patient Engagement in Clinical Trials
Care and Treatment of Hepatitis B
Tips for Affordable Hepatitis B Medications
HBV Cure Development with Dr. Timothy Block
Patients Driving Change: Storytelling and Advocacy