The hepatitis B vaccine’s value and necessity: A statement from Hepatitis B Foundation President Chari A. Cohen, DrPH, MPH | Read more here.


Learn the Link Campaign

Learn the Link: Shining a Light on the Connection Between Hepatitis B and Liver Cancer to Increase Screening, Prevention, and Linkage to Care


In 2021, the Hepatitis B Foundation conducted a series of focus groups with communities from around the United States, which are heavily impacted by liver cancer related to hepatitis B, in order to better understand existing levels of awareness and knowledge in these communities about the connection between hepatitis B and liver cancer, and to collect ideas about how best to disseminate this information in a culturally competent way. These suggestions and other information collected during the focus groups have informed the creation of a multi-cultural communications campaign, highlighting the link between the two diseases in a way that is accessible and that will encourage higher rates of screening, prevention, and linkage to care for hepatitis B, and early detection for both hepatitis B and liver cancer. 

Materials are available for twelve different communities. These materials can be shared via social media and through other digital channels, and can also be printed and mailed out. If you are interested in having any materials printed, please complete this form. If you would like any more information or resources specific to your community, or any more information about the campaign, please reach out to Thanks for helping us spread the word about the campaign and helping different communities Learn the Link! 

Are you an artist? Submit your work to our Learn the Link Contest!

See below for contest rules & details - submit your entry by March 31st! 


Find contest rules here. Find details on participation, eligibility, use of submissions, and more here.