The hepatitis B vaccine’s value and necessity: A statement from Hepatitis B Foundation President Chari A. Cohen, DrPH, MPH | Read more here.

Hep B Cure Campaign

woman on capitol hill WEB

Curing hepatitis B is an urgent, critical goal for the Hepatitis B Foundation (HBF), the 2.2 million people in the U.S. and the 292 million people globally who are chronically infected, and, we believe, for our corporate partners. In 2017, NASEM added its voice to WHO, declaring that hepatitis B could be eliminated by 2030. A determined advocacy effort successfully brought significant federal resources to bear on battles to cure HIV/AIDS and hepatitis C. That is why HBF created the Hep B Cure Campaign (HBCC) to sharply focus attention on the timely opportunity to cure HBV.

The Hepatitis B Foundation has established the “Hep B Cure Campaign (HBCC) Partnership” to promote increased public-sector investment in hepatitis B and liver cancer research to implement the Hepatitis B Foundation’s “Roadmap for a Cure.” The Roadmap was published in Antiviral Research (2018) and Hepatology (2018). This Roadmap represents a consensus of 35 leading scientists and clinicians and identifies 140 specific research projects over six years needing support from the National Institutes of Health.

The HBCC Partnership seeks mutually beneficial relationships with pharmaceutical and biotech companies, foundations, and individuals to improve the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of hepatitis B and related diseases (e.g. hepatitis delta and liver cancer). Through this collaboration, we will be able to expand advocacy efforts to secure increased congressional and NIH funding support of the Roadmap.


  • Increasing federal funding for hepatitis B research over the next six years by the additional $39 million per year needed to implement the Roadmap
  • Encouraging language in federal appropriations recognizing the importance of HBV and HCC research and service and urging that attention be given to these and other professional activities at all Federal agencies (NIH, CDC, DOD) involved with medical research and public health
  • Encouraging the issuance of requests for proposals for HBV/HCC research for NIH consideration (i.e. NIAID, NIDDK, and NCI)
  • Developing a framework for a trans-NIH scientific meeting toward creating an HBV and HCC NIH Research Action Plan based on the Roadmap
  • Supporting current and exploring future clinical trials network expansion to evaluate new and emerging therapeutic agents and combination therapies
  • Promoting HBF’s new policy position calling for universal HBV screening for adult population in the U.S.

2019 Partners

Champion Platinum Partner:

The Carol and Edmund Blake Foundation 


Champion Silver Partner:



Leader Silver Partner:

Enyo Pharma

Leader Bronze Partner:




Since the Campaign was launched in 2017, substantial progress has been made. The challenge ahead is to maintain and expand HBF’s advocacy efforts to secure funding for the research priorities identified in the Roadmap for a Cure. Below are some highlights of progress so far:

  • Published two peer-reviewed journal articles, in Antiviral Research and Hepatology, leading the way for development of a research agenda to find a cure for hepatitis B. Developed the companion advocacy piece, A Roadmap for a Cure.
  • Successfully advocated for increased federal research opportunities for hepatitis B through NIH and DOD. This led to new targeted grants opportunities and an increase in grant proposals focusing on hepatitis B. Click here for the 2020 Cure Campaign report. 
  • Successfully advocated for establishment of the NIH Trans-Institute Hepatitis B Working Group, tasked with developing a Strategic Plan to Cure Hepatitis B.
  • Conducted over 30 visits with legislators and leaders at NIH to encourage increased prioritization, funding and collaboration for hepatitis B cure research. Click here for our 2021 Appropriations Successes. 
  • Organizing the 2019 Princeton Workshop to bring together leading scientists to discuss hepatitis B research progress.


Hepatitis B Cure Campaign Outreach Team:

Timothy M. Block, PhD

President and CEO
Hepatitis B Foundation

Robert Gish, MD

Medical Director
Hepatitis B Foundation

Carol Brosgart, MD

Board of Directors
Hepatitis B Foundation

Nathanial Brown, MD

Board of Directors
Hepatitis B Foundation

Alan Brownstein, MPH

Hep B Cure Campaign Outreach Committee

Jean Holmes, MBA

Vice President, Institutional Advancement
Hepatitis B Foundation

Chari Cohen, DrPH, MPH

Senior Vice President
Hepatitis B Foundation


For more information about participation:

Jean Holmes, MBA
Vice President, Institutional Advancement