Hepatitis B Foundation President Dr. Chari Cohen is quoted in a powerful new story about hepatitis B in The New Yorker. You can read it here.

Support Edwin Tan's Tri for a Cure


Edwin Tan

Meet Edwin Tan! After he was diagnosed with hepatitis B five years ago, Edwin committed to becoming healthier. Now, he is training for a series of 6 races—triathlons, a marathon and an ironman—to raise money and awareness for hepatitis B research, patient outreach and education. 

All together, Edwin is racing over 336 miles this summer to shine a spotlight on hepatitis B!

"I am excited to bring attention to hepatitis B throughout my race season," Edwin said. "I want to show that Hep B is not a condition that debilitates someone and that we can triumph through adversity. I want to be a positive example against the stigma associated with Hep B and the shame that some people may feel for having it. Completing an Ironman, which is regarded as one of the most difficult one day athletic events, serves as a good example that we each can accomplish anything we want as long as we believe in ourselves."

Support his efforts by making a donation today!

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Edwin's Race Schedule:

June 16: Minnetonka Triathlon, Minnetonka, MN
June 22: Grandma's Marathon, Duluth, MN
July 27: Hoot Lake Triathlon, Hoot Lake, MN
August 3: Tour de Tonka, West Metro, MN
August 25: Chicago Triathlon, Chicago, IL
September 8: Ironman Wisconsin, Madison, WI 


Check out these updates on Edwin's progress:

#Tri4ACure: Racing For Hepatitis B Awareness, Cure Research, and Health

#Tri4ACure: From Hepatitis B Diagnosis to Advocating for a Cure