In honor of World Hepatitis Day, we released a new position statement calling for expanded hep B treatment around the world.

Click here to read more and speak up for people living with hep B by signing it.

Lefteris Michailidis, PhD 

photo Lefteris Michailidis

Assistant Professor, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia, USA 

Lefteris Michailidis obtained his Ph.D. in Microbiology and Immunology from the University of Missouri where he studied the mechanisms of action and resistance to HIV and HBV antivirals. During his postdoctoral training at Rockefeller University, he established HBV in vitro and in vivo models to study virus-host interactions and HBV pathogenesis.

In 2021, Lefteris established his independent laboratory at Emory University where his main focus is to understand the mechanisms of chronic HBV and in the context of different genotypes, co-infections and comorbidities with the goal of contributing to a cure against HBV.  

Read the journal picks of the month from our Emerging Scholars Scientific and Medical Advisory Board here.