The hepatitis B vaccine’s value and necessity: A statement from Hepatitis B Foundation President Chari A. Cohen, DrPH, MPH | Read more here.

Julie Dang, PhD, MPH

Julie Dang2

Executive Director
Office of Community Outreach and Engagement
UC Davis Comprehensive Cancer Center

Assistant Professor
Division of Health Policy & Management
Department of Public Health Sciences
UC Davis

Dr. Julie Dang is a cancer health disparities behavioral scientist with over a decade of experience engaging diverse and underserved communities in cancer control and prevention. In her various roles, she initiates, conducts, and oversees a range of community engagement and outreach studies and programs focused on a broad range of cancers and cancer-related risk factors for all of the racial/ethnic populations of the UC Davis Comprehensive Cancer Center’s catchment area. 

Read the journal picks of the month from our Emerging Scholars Scientific and Medical Advisory Board here.