The hepatitis B vaccine’s value and necessity: A statement from Hepatitis B Foundation President Chari A. Cohen, DrPH, MPH | Read more here.

HBF Reports and Publications

The Hepatitis B Foundation and Blumberg Institute regularly produce reports and manuscripts about work toward the elimination and prevention of hepatitis B and related scientific advances. Below on this page are selected recent reports.

The Foundation's annual reports are posted here.

Journal articles recommended by our Emerging Scholars Scientific and Medical Advisory Board, which is a new service, are posted here.

A selection of recent, peer-reviewed journal articles and other scholarly publications that were written by 
Hepatitis B Foundation public health researchers and collaborators are posted here.

Hepatitis B Foundation releases white paper calling health care providers into action following new hepatitis B screening and vaccination recommendations (2023) With the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) March 10, 2023, release of new guidance for hepatitis B screening, adding to updated recommendations on vaccination that the CDC put out in 2022, the Hepatitis B Foundation produced a white paper with guidance on how health care providers in the U.S. can begin implementing these new universal hepatitis B screening and vaccination (for adults ages 19-59) guidelines. Please read more here.

Opportunities for Federal-Community Collaboration to Reduce Disparities in Hepatitis B: 2014-2016Hep B United (2020) The purpose of this document is to identify areas where Hep B United and other community-based coalitions can work with federal agencies and within their local coalition to further the priority areas identified in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

Roadmap for a CureHepatitis B Foundation (2017)
This report provides an overview of our research agenda, with information on priority research areas and potential funding.

Hepatitis B Foundation and FDA Meeting ReportHepatitis B Foundation (2017): Representatives from the Hepatitis B Foundation and HBV Forum met with representatives from the US FDA in March 2017 to discuss clinical development of hepatitis B therapeutics.