Hepatitis B Foundation President Dr. Chari Cohen is quoted in a powerful new story about hepatitis B in The New Yorker. You can read it here.

B the Change Advocacy Challenge

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Please join us and B The Change during our week of action leading up to and including World Hepatitis Day. By joining our Advocacy Challenge, you will bring needed attention to hepatitis B and the challenges faced by those with hep B. 

You can participate and be entered for a chance to win a $50 gift card! 

*Submit this form no later than Thursday, July 29th to confirm your participation in the advocacy challenge and be eligible for the gift card drawing. Six winners will be selected and notified by HBF staff the week of August 2nd.

If you have any questions, please email us at advocate@hepb.org.

Below is a list of steps you can take to B The Change:

1. If you were not able to attend our kick-off call, you can watch the video here

2. Sign Up for the B The Change Action Center here

3. Share the B The Change Action Center on your social media. Use the hashtags #HepBUnite and #BTheChange and tag us at @hepbfoundation and @hepbunited. 

4. Register for the Universal Hepatitis B Screening Webinar

5. Pledge to help advance universal adult hepatitis B vaccination (U.S. only). 

6. Post a photo from a previous World Hepatitis Day event you participated in. Use the hashtags #HepUnite and #BTheChange and tag us at @hepbfoundation and @hepbunited.

7. Create a post using the B Informed Social Media Toolkit. Use the hashtags #HepBUnite and #BTheChange and tag us at @hepbfoundation and @hepbunited.

8. Share hepatitis B policy priorities with your members of Congress. Take action here (U.S. only). 

9. What's YOUR reason to B The Change? Let us know! Help us spread the word by commenting on our social media posts that ask this question on Wednesday, July 28th. Comments help to increase our reach so that more people see our posts and we can get the word out about hep b.  

Thank you for being an advocate and caring about the nearly 300 million people living with hepatitis B today. Congratulations on being the change!

In addition to your amazing acts of advocacy, please consider making a donation to our Find Your Why for World Hepatitis Day fundraiser. Your donation will help fund the life-changing work that is made possible at the Hepatitis B Foundation and Blumberg Institute. Please donate here



For World Hepatitis Day this year, we received over 100 entries into our B the Change Advocacy Challenge – a virtual week of action led by the Hepatitis B Foundation and Hep B United. Advocates from around the world participated by attending the Week of Action Kick-off Call, signing up for the B the Change Action Center and sharing it with their networks, posting hepatitis B information and resources on social media using the B Informed Social Media Toolkit, and supporting other World Hepatitis Day campaigns online. Dozens of advocates in the U.S. pledged to show their support for universal adult hepatitis B vaccination and emailed Members of Congress to educate them about key hepatitis B stats and policy priorities. Overall, the B the Change Advocacy Challenge generated more than 26,000 social media impressions. Thank you to everyone who participated, and congratulations to the six gift card winners from Bulgaria, Cameroon, South Sudan, and the United States.