The Hepatitis B Foundation is hosting the B Informed Patient Conference, a FREE event in Philadelphia on Saturday, July 27. Register here.



Hepatitis B Foundation Award History

*Denotes deceased honoree

Blumberg Prize (Established in 2012)

The Baruch S. Blumberg Prize is the Hepatitis B Foundation’s highest honor. It is named for Baruch S. Blumberg, MD, DPhil, who received the Nobel Prize in Medicine and Physiology in 1976 for discovering the hepatitis B virus. The criteria for the award are here.

2024 - T. Jake Liang, MD - National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases

2023 - Stephan Urban, PhD - Heidelberg University Hospital (hepatitis delta) Watch his presentation here

2022 - Loren Tyrell, MD, PhD - University of Alberta (HBV)

2021 - Wenhui Li, PhD - National Institute of Biological Sciences, Beijing, China (HBV)

2020 - John Taylor, PhD – Fox Chase Cancer Center (hepatitis delta)

2019 - Christoph Seeger, PhD – Fox Chase Cancer Center (HBV)

2018 - *Prof DS Chen, MD – Academia Sinica (Taiwan’s National Academy)  (HBV)

2017 - Mario Rizetto, PhD - Italy (hepatitis delta)

2016 - *Bud Tennant, PhD - Cornell U. (HBV) 

2015 - Eugene Schiff, MD - U. Miami (HBV clinician)

2014 - *Thomas Starzl, MD, PhD - U. Pittsburgh (first liver transplant)

2013 - Robert Purcell, PhD - NIH (HAV, HBV)

2012 (Inaugural) - Howard Koh, MD - Assistant Sec. of Health at HHS (HBV advocate)

2011 - 20th Anniversary with Tribute to Dr. Baruch S. Blumberg (1925-2011)

2010 - *R. Palmer Beasley, MD - Baylor U., TX (HBV and HCC link)

2009 - Brian McMahon, MD - Alaska/CDC (HBV clinician and AASLD Guidelines)

2008 - Anna Lok, MD - U. of Michigan (HBV clinician and AASLD Guidelines)

2007 - Francis V. Chisari, MD, The Scripps Research Institute

2006 - Raymond F. Schinazi, PhD, Emory University

2003 - Jay Hoofnagle, MD, National Institutes of Health

2000 - Harvey J. Alter, MD, National Institutes of Health

1999 - William S. Mason, PhD, Fox Chase Cancer Center
            Jesse Summers, PhD, University of New Mexico

            Hie-Won Hann, MD, Thomas Jefferson University

1998 - *W. Thomas London, MD, Fox Chase Cancer Center

1997 - Raymond Dwek, D. Phil, FRS, University of Oxford

Community Commitment Award (Inaugurated in 2011)

2024 - Catharine and Rob Williams

2023 - Su Wang, MD, MPH

2022 - Rev. Jason Crum Escalera

2021 - Nadine Shiroma

2020 - Susana Lorenzo-Giguere, Esq.

2019 - Paula Wong

2018 - Fred Beans

2017 - Marvin and Dee Ann Woodall

2016 - Renold Capocasale

2015 - Bruce and Cynthia Maryanoff

2014 - Jim and Teri Holton

2013 - Debbie Wagner

2012 - Bridget Wingert

2011 - Brad Segall

Distinguished Leadership Award

2000 - Deborah Wexler, MD, Immunization Action Coalition

1998 - *Joshua Feldstein, PhD, Delaware Valley College

1997 - Harvey Rich, CPA, Rich, Gelwarg, Lampf Associates

1997 - Nat Brown, MD, GlaxoWellcome

Founders’ Award

2005 – *Bill Stephenson, PhD, Vice-Provost for Research, Drexel U. 

2004 – PA Governor Mark Schweiker

2002 – Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (accepted by Mark Kane, MD, MPH)

2001 – *Baruch S. Blumberg, MD, PhD, Nobel Prize Winner

2000 - Timothy M. Block, PhD, Jefferson Medical College

1999 – Paul and Janine Witte, Originetics

1998 - Connelly Foundation – Mrs. Josephine C. Mandeville, President 

                                              Lewis Bluemle, MD, Vice-President

1997 - Joseph S. Gonnella, MD, Jefferson Medical College

Distinguished Public Service Award

2000 - *Pa. State Senator Richard A. Tilghman

1999 - Pa. State Senator Joe Conti

1998 - *U.S. Senator Arlen Specter

1997 - U.S. Congressman James Greenwood


Special Commendation

1999 - Mr. Alan Brownstein, President, American Liver Foundation


Bruce Witte Lecture (Established by Paul and Janine Witte in 2000)

2023 - Dr. Barbara Rehermann - National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases

2022 - Robert G. Gish, MD - clinician and medical director, Hepatitis B Foundation

2021 - Harvey J. Alter, MD - Nobel Prize Laureate and W. Thomas London Distinguished Scientific Advisor, Hepatitis B Foundation

2020 - Marion Peters, MD - University of California, San Francisco

2019 – John C. Martin, PhD - retired CEO, Gilead

2018 - Dennis Liotta, PhD - Emory University

2017 – James Ou, MD, PhD - University of Southern California

2016 - Antonio Bertolleti, MD - Duke University, National University of Singapore

2015 - Hashem El Serag, MD, MPH - Baylor College of Medicine

2014 - Charles Rice, PhD - Rockefeller University

2013 - Jorge Marrero, MD - University of Texas Southwestern

2012 - Snorri S.Thorgeirsson, MD, PhD - National Cancer Institute

2011 – Adrian DiBisceglie, MD (St. Louis Med U, Missouri)

2010 - T. Jake Liang, MD  (NIDDK/NIH, Wash DC)

2009 - Stephen Locarnini, MD, PhD (Victorian Infectious Diseases Reference Laboratory, Australia)

2008 - Rafi Ahmed, PhD (Emory U, Georgia)

2007 - Stanley M. Lemon, MD (U of Texas Medical Branch)

2006 - John M. Taylor, PhD (Fox Chase Cancer Center, Phila)

2005 - *T.S. Benedict Yen, MD, PhD (U of California, San Fran)

2004 - *Emmet Keeffe, MD (U of California, San Fran)

2003 – None

2002 – Frank Chisari, MD (Scripps Research Institute, California)

2001 – *John Gerin, PhD (Georgetown U, Wash DC)

2000 – Raymond Schinazi, PhD (Emory U, Atlanta) – Inaugural Speaker