The hepatitis B vaccine’s value and necessity: A statement from Hepatitis B Foundation President Chari A. Cohen, DrPH, MPH | Read more here.

I’m in love, when and how do I tell my (prospective) partner that I have hepatitis B?

This is not an easy situation, and it is a challenge that is shared by many people living with hepatitis B.

Before you share your hepatitis B status, you should be prepared. Make sure you are well-informed, because once you share the information, there will be questions you’ll need to answer. Have easy-to-understand resources, like Hepatitis B Foundation website pages, fact sheets or blogs, flagged or printed and ready to share. Additionally, you need to be prepared mentally for all sorts of reactions (both yours and theirs). People may feel supportive, surprised, fearful, or even angry. It is a good idea to talk to others with hepatitis B before you have this conversation, to get suggestions and advice. Talking to someone who has experienced this can help – and there are many people at who will have had to disclose their hepatitis B to partners and other loved ones.

Regardless of how the situation unfolds, please know that hepatitis B does not define who you are or what you can do! And be prepared that your relationship may change. If you find that your prospective partner is not receptive, you may learn that you’re better off without this person, as there are many challenges occurring in a lifetime. It’s important to have a supportive partner!

You can find in-depth response to this important question on these blog articles:

Romance in the Air? Take a deep breath and disclose

How do I Share My Hepatitis B Status

Dating and Hepatitis B – A personal perspective  


Find more Frequently Asked Questions here


Page updated 12/27/2022