The Hepatitis B Foundation is hosting the B Informed Patient Conference, a FREE event in Philadelphia on Saturday, July 27. Register here.


Hep B United Coalition


Elimination of hepatitis B is the ultimate goal of the Hepatitis B Foundation and the focus of our public health programs. To achieve this goal, we have developed successful community-based programs to increase vaccination, screening and linkage to care to stop the spread of hepatitis B, and established a national coalition of groups working on the issues across America.  

NEWS: CDC awards $1.375 million, 5-year grant to Hepatitis B Foundation for expansion of Hep B United

About Hep B United

HBU MapHBF, in partnership with AAPCHO (Association of Asian Pacific Community Health Organizations), created and co-chairs Hep B United, a national coalition of 30+ member coalitions in 29 cities and 23 states, that are working to address hepatitis B in their local communities. With our leadership, Hep B United members are finding success in bringing together key stakeholders such as community-based organizations, healthcare providers, hospitals and clinics, state and local health departments, student groups, and elected officials and community leaders to increase HBV awareness, screening, vaccination and linkage to care in high-risk communities.  
Hep B United is also proud to be an official partner of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and is co-branded with its Know Hepatitis B campaign, their first national multi-lingual awareness campaign on hepatitis B.  

To learn more about Hep B United, visit