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CHIPO Partner Highlight: Falcons Health Foundation of Accra, Ghana

The Coalition Against Hepatitis for People of African Origin (CHIPO) is a community coalition that was co-founded and is led by the Hepatitis B Foundation. CHIPO is made up of organizations and individuals who are interested in addressing the high rates of hepatitis B infection among African communities in the U.S. and globally. Over the past year, CHIPO has grown its membership to include over 50 community-based organizations and federal agencies, all of which are working to meet the common goals of raising awareness about hepatitis B among African communities, and increasing rates of screening, vaccination, and linkage to care.  This month, we spoke with Samuel Addai of the Falcons Health Foundation (FHF) based in Accra, Ghana. Samuel and his team continuously work to reduce the disease burden of viral hepatitis B and C throughout the country. Concerning hepatitis B specifically, Ghana is considered to be a highly endemic country, with an estimated hepatitis B prevalence of 12.3% to 14.4% (Efua et al., 2023). Samuel spoke with us about the barriers he and his team face battling viral hepatitis in Ghana, the strategies they use to overcome those challenges, his reason for doing this vital work and his hopes for the future.

 Could you please introduce yourself and your organization? 

 My name is Samuel Addai. I’m from Ghana. I was born and raised here. I am the founder and the leader of Falcons Health Foundation. I have about 15 [employees] of which five are public health officers. And then also three of them are lab technicians. And I have three national officers. I have two midwives as well, and two community health workers. 

 Could you tell me a little bit about what some of FHF’s programs are that specifically address hepatitis and other health concerns in Ghana’s communities? 

 We create public awareness about viral hepatitis B and C. We are also advocates for those with hepatitis. And then we also give treatment guidelines; and  do treatment services for people, as well as  free health screenings. If we didn’t do this, people would not be bold enough to come out. There is stigmatization of these diseases. We explain that hypertension and high blood sugar causes a lot of health conditions. We explain to them signs and symptoms of HIV and viral hepatitis. Once we are done with this explanation, if they allow us, then we start the screening.  

 What is the main geographic area in which FHF works? 

 Ghana has 16 regions. We started in the capital Accra. The capital is very big and we cannot go to every area. What we normally do is select some areas from which more complaints are coming. Especially Circle and then Madina and Ashaima [areas of Ghana]. We also go to part of the Ashanti region and to Bono region. We also go to the Northern part of Ghana, Tamale, and the Central part, Winneba. These are very big regions, so we only go to certain parts. The rest, we have yet to decide. 

 What are some of the biggest challenges in addressing hepatitis and other health concerns? How have you worked to overcome these? Are there any additional resources that would be helpful to have? 

 There is a lack of knowledge regarding viral hepatitis in the regions we service. We realized that the kind of health information that they recieive…[is] misinformation. And then also some people, due to cultural practices and their beliefs, do not seek treatment or testing. We did brief interviews and found that they believe that viral hepatitis and HIV are a result of juju, or spiritual forces, witches, and wizards. Some people also think that viral hepatitis and HIV diseases are a curse from their ancestors. Some of these issues, since they are due to a lack of knowledge and education, what we normally do is educate them and explain to them that witches and wizards are not the cause of these diseases. We try as much as we can to educate them. We explain to them the cause of these diseases. We do intensive education. Some people pretend not to believe us, but then they will come back later and say ‘check for me.’ Later they also laugh and talk about what they used to believe. Their response tells us that they are ready to take a test.   

Lack of sustained financing is our burden. We find it difficult in terms of the transport system. And also social media platforms, most of them give mistrust. They say that the viral hepatitis vaccine, the side effects are harmful to health. We normally try as much as we can to overcome the misinformation.  

 And then also, some equipment and materials for testing can be a problem. And if we are able to get a center, we could do testing permanently. Currently, we do not have a center that we can use as a permanent place for testing. When we go to the areas, maybe we can just sit in a place at the roadside or in classrooms, which is not very helpful. We also do tents at the park. We give our information to [people]. We use information centers in the area to announce that we are back at a particular place and that people should come to us. So if we are able to get a small facility at least, which could take maybe 100 patients, it would be very helpful for us. We are doing very difficult work here and no one is paying us. This is a sacrifice that we are taking on.  

 What do you think are some of the biggest barriers in raising awareness and addressing rates of hepatitis screening and linkage to care?  

 The biggest barriers that we can encounter is the language barrier. In Ghana, the entire country is not speaking one language. English language is our official language. Those who do not attend schools, those who do not have any educational background find it difficult to understand English language. A day before our program, we invite some people in that particular area and we negotiate with them and ask if it is possible for them to translate their language to their people. And then also we do sign language, especially for disabled people. Another major barrier is stigmatization. Everybody feels shy and thinks “maybe this person knows me well” or “maybe this person knows my family.” Many people fear coming out in public to get tested. 

 What are your favorite parts about your job? What got you interested in this work? 

 What I love most and my favorite part here is the impact that we are making in communities. The testimonies that people are sharing to us. We really love this. At least people have received a good health impact in their lives. 

 Saving lives is my priority. Saving lives is what got me interested. I studied general medicine and then later also I studied public health. 

 Any other thoughts or ideas you’d like to share for improving health in Ghana, at both the community and national levels? 

 I believe that supporting these programs are very, very important so that we can reach out to many people because it seems that many people do not have this particular information yet. I believe that many people are not getting awareness. Information is very important, so if many people received this information, it would be helpful for the program. 

 We have a plan to develop an electronic data management system and surveillance system. Ghana does not currently have a hepatitis B or C elimination plan in place. We want to develop this so that it can help us keep data. 

 We want to reduce mother-to-child transmission by ensuring testing for pregnant women is free to all pregnant women. Before someone can get tested, they pay out of their pocket. Many people do not have the money to get the test, so we want to do that for them so that their health can be improved by knowing their status. 

 Let me add this too: Treatment is only available in teaching hospitals and this must be fully financed by the patient. Currently there is no public budget line for testing and treatment. We want to do free health screening so that this will help improve people’s health. 

 Do you have any final thoughts that you’d like to share? 

 What I can say is that me and my team, we have been able to acquire land and we want to be able to use it as a center. If we are able to get the necessary support, we can put up a small facility so that many people will know our exact location. In case there is any issue, they can visit our center. The problem here in Ghana, the government is not supportive at all. Even the government health facilities, they are having problems. They lack a lot. We don’t get support from the government. The people who received services from us support us. Later, they come to us and say “I’m okay, [my health is] fine now” and out of their joy, they support us. Other than that, we do not have support. 

 Thank you so much for taking the time to speak with me and for sharing more about the great work FHF has done and will continue into the future! 

Below are some photos that Samuel shared of his team doing their incredible work across Ghana.

Efua, S.-D. V., Adwoa, W. D., & Armah, D. (2023, January 20). Seroprevalence of hepatitis B virus infection and associated factors among health care workers in southern Ghana. IJID Regions. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2772707623000097#:~:text=In%20Ghana%2C%20the%20prevalence%20of,the%20general%20population%20%5B7%5D. 

A Valuable Tool Against Chronic Hepatitis B Goes Unused in Many Developing Countries

Image courtesy of tuelekza at FreeDigitalPhotos.net.
Image courtesy of tuelekza at FreeDigitalPhotos.net.

By Christine Kukka

A critical tool that stops the spread of nearly half of all new chronic hepatitis B infections is still unavailable in many developing countries – the hepatitis B vaccine birth dose.

When the hepatitis B vaccine is immediately administered to a baby born to a hepatitis B-infected mother, it stops the terrible spread of hepatitis B to a new generation.

But this vaccine remains unavailable and financially out-of-reach for many parents in rural areas of Africa, Asia and other regions.

“In Ghana, even if parents know where to find the vaccine, the cost sometimes deters them from accessing it,” said Theobald Owusu-Ansah of the Hepatitis B Foundation of Ghana.   “And when midwives help mothers deliver their babies in their homes, they do not have the vaccine with them because it must be refrigerated.”

While a global childhood immunization program, sponsored by the global vaccine alliance GAVI, has saved millions of lives, the hepatitis B birth dose remains a critical, missing piece of its otherwise successful global immunization strategy.

Image courtesy of africa at FreeDigitalPhotos.net.
Image courtesy of africa at FreeDigitalPhotos.net.

To effectively prevent mother-to-child (perinatal) transmission of hepatitis B, the single-dose hepatitis B vaccine must be administered within 12 to 24* hours of birth. In about 90 percent of cases, this vaccine effectively prevents infection, unless the mother’s viral load is extremely high.**

Today, GAVI funds and promotes the pentavalent vaccine, which prevents five diseases including hepatitis B, for nearly all children in developing countries. But here’s the catch, the earliest the first dose of the pentavalent vaccine can be administered is six weeks of age because it contains the diphtheria vaccine. This is far too late to prevent perinatal hepatitis B infection.

GAVI’s pentavalent vaccine makes economic and medical sense. One vaccine that prevents several diseases lowers manufacturing and shipping costs and requires fewer injections. Indeed, widespread immunization with GAVI’s pentavalent vaccine in 73 developing countries has prevented 7 million deaths, but it doesn’t prevent chronic hepatitis B acquired at birth.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has made eradication of hepatitis B by 2030 a major goal, but it is unattainable unless perinatal infection is prevented.

Without GAVI’s financing or promotion of the hepatitis B birth dose, many developing countries have done little to promote the birth dose, despite their high rates of hepatitis B. According to the WHO, in 2015, 8.4 million babies were born in African countries that did not provide the birth dose of the hepatitis B vaccine.

In addition to a lack of political will on the part of GAVI and these countries, there are other barriers to distributing the hepatitis B birth vaccine. As Owusu-Ansah explained, about one-third of births in his native Ghana  and about 45 percent of all births in Africa take place without a healthcare worker or midwife present.

Volunteers from the Rann India Foundation teach villagers about hepatitis B testing and prevention in India.
Volunteers from the Rann India Foundation teach villagers about hepatitis B testing and prevention in India.

Suren Surender, founder and president of the Rann Bhoomi Foundation, which educates rural villagers in India about hepatitis B prevention, added that even when healthcare workers are present at childbirths, “there is a lack of knowledge about birth dose administration and there is also a lack of community awareness about the benefits of getting the birth dose.”

Having a global leader like GAVI lend financial and strategic support for the hepatitis B birth vaccine would go far to chip away at these high perinatal infection rates in rural regions. In 2013, GAVI and the global vaccine alliance explored funding the hepatitis B birth dose as part of its Vaccine Investment Strategy (VIS),  but officials decided not to fund it.

According to a GAVI spokeswoman, the key deterrent was implementation — getting the refrigerated vaccine birth dose to rural areas within hours of a child’s birth – rather than cost.

“Many births in GAVI-supported countries do occur outside health facilities,” she noted. “Indeed, coverage of hepatitis B birth dose in many countries delivering this intervention is low. Ultimately, the Vaccine Investment Strategy analysis and consultations recommended that (GAVI) should focus its limited resources on other high-impact vaccines at the time.”

However, research suggests the hepatitis B vaccine may be effective for several days or weeks in warm climates without refrigeration, which could increase their use in rural regions if there was more financial and political support.

In 2018, GAVI will reconsider potential support for the hepatitis B birth dose when it develops a new Vaccine Investment Strategy, with a decision expected in late 2018.

GAVI’s support for the birth vaccine is needed immediately. Only GAVI has the resources and political clout to help countries realign their immunization policies to allow the next generation of children born to hepatitis B-infected parents to live without liver disease.

*North American medical guidelines recommend the first hepatitis B vaccine dose be administered within 12 hours of birth, while WHO recommends the vaccine be given within 24 hours of birth.

**The addition of a dose of HBIG (hepatitis B antibodies) along with the vaccine raises the prevention rate a few percentage points. However, the vaccine alone is highly effective.

A Hero Takes the Fight Against Hepatitis B to Rural Ghana

A street scene in Ghana. Photo by Ebenezer Akakpo.
A street scene in Ghana. Photo by Ebenezer Akakpo.

By Christine Kukka

The HIV/AIDS epidemic, ebola and malaria have infected and killed millions in Sub-Saharan Africa , but another infection, more silent and insidious, has also destroyed millions of African lives yet has received little attention from the global community—hepatitis B.

A recent article in The Lancet medical journal estimates that between 5 and 20 percent of the 1 billion Africans in this region have been infected with hepatitis B and 5 percent are chronically infected.

The region lacks the healthcare workers and resources to educate, screen and immunize people for hepatitis B, and there are few medical centers or drugs available to treat those infected. In a cruel twist of fate, many people find out about their hepatitis B when they attempt to donate blood.

A road in northern Ghana. Photo by Ebenezer Akakpo.
A road in northern Ghana. Photo by Ebenezer Akakpo.

“It was on one fateful day in 2007, during my second year in college, when I decided to donate blood to help save the lives of pregnant mothers who undergo complications during deliveries,” wrote one young man who now works with the Hepatitis Foundation of Ghana. “Everything was OK, until the lab technician called out my name and told me they cannot let me complete the processes because my blood was ‘incompatible.’ He later handed me a fact sheet on hepatitis and requested that I read it thoroughly,” he recalled. “I felt so confused and didn’t know what to do. I thought I would be referred to see a physician for counseling but no, nothing. Not knowing what to do, I decided to educate myself.”

He went online and read several articles about hepatitis B. He learned the importance of avoiding alcohol and smokin and eating healthy foods. “In 2009, I took another test that revealed I was in the chronic stage of the infection,” he recalled. “Even the health professionals at that facility couldn’t explain what that really meant. I was confused and didn’t know if I was going to die or not.”

A year later, he had another test that showed the infection was not currently causing any liver damage. “I live in a community and country where the level of awareness about hepatitis is very low,” he explained. “The majority of the people are ignorant about the situation. I have lost some family members as a result of the disease.”

His research led him to the foundation in Ghana. “I no longer feel left alone. I now feel I have someone whom I could call upon for any information or seek clarification concerning my situation. Not only me, but for my community too,” he wrote.

The foundation, established by Theobald Owusu-Ansah, is attempting to educate people about hepatitis B to stop an infection that is killing thousands in Ghana. In Africa, hepatitis B is commonly spread during childbirth, through re-used syringes due to scarce medical resources and sexually. A lack of knowledge about hepatitis B and how it is spread, especially among healthcare workers and midwives, has also helped spread the disease.

Owusu-Ansah established the foundation in 2007 after four of his family members died from hepatitis B. He realized he had to take action to educate people about this deadly infection and get better treatment for people living with hepatitis B. Here is his story about a young woman diagnosed while attending nursing school.

Theobald Owusu-Ansah, president of the Hepatitis Foundation of Ghana
Theobald Owusu-Ansah, president of the Hepatitis Foundation of Ghana

“Initially, someone had put her on some herbal preparations and told her they would cure her ailment after she was first diagnosed with hepatitis B,” he recalled. Owusu-Ansah spent hours educating her about hepatitis B and she went for tests, which revealed she had liver damage. She was referred to a physician who prescribed the antiviral tenofovir (Viread) and recommended regular monitoring. After several months of treatment, her liver was healthy and her viral load was undetectable.

Years passed, she married and became pregnant. Osusu-Ansah reminded her that her babies would be protected against hepatitis B if they immediately received the first dose of the hepatitis B vaccine and HBIG within 12 hours of birth.

But things went wrong. She had stopped taking tenofovir. Her midwife gave her an herbal remedy for hepatitis B and told her the vaccine would be enough to protect the baby. It wasn’t, the baby became infected. The mother was devastated.

“Her story is not so different from many others’ experiences in some parts of Ghana,” he explained. “The unavailability of HBIG and the vaccine is challenging, and even when they are available, very few can afford them.”

In Ghana, and many other regions of Africa, the only vaccines available for free are combination (pentavalent) vaccines that contain vaccines for hepatitis B, diphtheria and other diseases. While economical, these combination vaccines cannot be administered until a baby is at least six weeks old, which is too late to prevent mother-to-child infection.

To break the infection cycle, a single dose (monovalent) hepatitis B vaccine must be administered within 12 hours of birth.

“I believe something can be done about this,” said Owusu-Ansah. “With government support, we need to expand our education campaigns to cover rural areas and take the message of hope to their doorsteps.”

For more information about the Hepatitis Foundation of Ghana, visit its website or email theobald2003@yahoo.com.