Hep B Blog

Category Archives: Living with Hepatitis B

Personal Reflection on Yesterday’s FDA Vaccine Advisory Panel Review of Dynavax’s New HBV Vaccine


I was fortunate to have the opportunity to represent the Hepatitis B Foundation at yesterday’s FDA vaccine advisory panel review of Dynavax’s new HEPLISAV vaccine for hepatitis B.  I was there for the public comment period on the second day of the meeting with my prepared statement. I was surprised to find I was the only one there for public comment. Since I’ve never been to anything like this, I don’t know if that is typical or not.  I think my personal story with HBV, and the message from the HBF was important for the FDA panel to hear, so they were sure to be reminded that there are real people affected by chronic hepatitis B.

There has been a great deal of good press about the new Dynavax vaccine. In studies it has superior immunogenicity when compared to the currently available vaccines. Immunity is generated in 2 doses given one month apart, versus the currently available vaccines where it is a three shot series over 6 months. This is particularly important to subpopulations such as those undergoing dialysis, and diabetic adults who are encouraged to be vaccinated against hepatitis B – a new recommendation by the CDC this year. It is also important to the general adult population, where it is found that 30-50% of adults may not complete the 3 shot HBV vaccine series making them vulnerable to infection. This  need for HBV prevention via a more effective vaccine, particularly in needy subpopulations was what was stressed in HBF’s public statement.

I do believe the panel was well aware of the importance of HBV prevention and one doctor made mention of the importance based on “the public comment”, so they were listening. Another doctor mentioned the burden of the disease not only globally, but also in the US. That is often understated.

The FDA panel met both Wednesday and Thursday. The public comment period was Thursday, and I remained there for the vote on two vital questions.  The first question was about whether the immunogenicity data was adequate to support the effectiveness of HEPLISAV for the prevention of hepatitis B infection in adults 18 through 70 years of age? The vote cast showed unanimous agreement in the efficacy of the vaccine.

The other question was about whether the data was adequate to support the safety of HEPLISAV when administered to adults 18 through 70 years. Five members said “yes”, 1 abstained and 8 voted “no”.

Prior to both votes there was a great deal of discussion amongst the panelists, and the representative from Dynavax who responded directly to questions.

Ultimately it came down to a few key points.  It was clear that the panel was impressed with efficacy or level of immunity generated by this new, 2 shot series. This vaccine uses a unique adjuvant. An adjuvant is a substance that is added to the vaccine in order to increase the body’s immune response to the vaccine.  In this case it was a nucleic acid versus a lipid – details of which I do not even pretend to understand. Although this new adjuvant was exciting based on the great immunogenicity data presented by Dynavax, it was also a source of concern because the panel was not sure if there was enough study data that represented all demographics. In other words, this vaccine performed really well, but they weren’t sure if it had been proven safe in different ethnic groups such as African Americans, Asian-Americans, and Hispanics. Since the US is a melting pot, this is important.

The other concern was that the vaccine had not been administered along with other vaccines. Because this vaccine is to be given to adults, they felt it was important that it could be given when an adult came in for their annual flu shot, or another immunization. Adults just don’t get to the doctor’s office that often! Although this was clearly of interest, it was not a deal breaker like the lack of safety data among all demographics. There was the suggestion to introduce the vaccine into the current sub-populations that were in particular need, but not much discussion beyond.

The votes were cast and the panel and the audience dispersed. Looks like Dynavax will need to complete further studies before the vaccine is once again reviewed by the FDA panel for approval. Personally, I believe there’s a real  need and a place for this vaccine, but of course safety always comes first.

More on Metformin and Statins: Drugs Approved by the FDA for Other Purposes That May Prevent Liver Cancer

From HBF’s expert Guest Blogger, Dr. Thomas London

In an earlier blog, I pointed out that the available drugs to treat or prevent primary liver cancer (hepatocellular carcinoma, HCC) have been disappointing.  I noted that there may be drugs used for other purposes that may work against HCC.  The most promising of these was an old drug called metformin that has been used to treat type II diabetes for 17 years.  Now a new study on metformin provides the most intriguing results yet.

At the 2012 Digestive Disease Week meeting in San Diego, an enormous study from Taiwan was reported that encompassed almost all of Taiwan’s 23 million people. (I am indebted to Christine Frangou for her excellent report in Gastroenterology and Endoscopy News and have quoted from it extensively.) The investigators used the Taiwan National Insurance Database to identify all cases of HCC diagnosed from 1997 to 2008. There were 97,430 patients with HCC (most of whom would have had chronic hepatitis B). They were compared with 200,000 controls matched to the HCC cases by age, gender, and date of first physician visit.  Using the same database they linked all patients with diabetes and their treatment methods to patients with and without HCC.

From this they were able to show that patients with diabetes had a 2.3-fold increased risk of developing HCC.  In those patients who were taking metformin, however, HCC occurred about 20% less often than in those who were not treated with metformin. Furthermore, the longer patients took metformin, the lower their risk of HCC; about 7% lower for each year that they took the drug.

This study is not the final answer.  We don’t know why some diabetic patients were treated with metformin and some were not.  It is possible that the patients who did not take metformin had some unknown liver abnormality and were deliberately not treated with metformin.  Nevertheless, anti-tumor effects of metformin in experimental animals and in cell culture systems continue to be reported.  I will keep my eye out for more research on metformin and HCC and report it as it hits the medical press.

Statins are another group of drugs that are in common use. They were first approved by the FDA in 1987 to lower serum cholesterol levels and thereby prevent heart disease.  Statins inhibit an enzyme in the liver used to make cholesterol.  Several isolated reports suggested that statins might also help prevent HCC.  This month investigators at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota reported a meta-analysis (a statistical method to combine results from different studies) of all the reports in the medical literature of new cases (incidence) of HCC and exposure to statin therapy.  Ten studies reporting a total of 4,928 HCC cases in 1,459,417 patients were analyzed.  Overall, patients who were treated with statins had a 40% lower risk of developing HCC than those who were untreated.  The results varied from population to population. Asian populations which were more likely to also have chronic hepatitis B, had a 50% lower risk of developing HCC, while western populations had about a 30% lower risk.

At this time we do not know what the mechanism of a preventative effect of statins on HCC might be.  Nor do we know whether statins might have been withheld from patients with high cholesterol levels because they had a liver abnormality. It is likely, however, that more information on these issues will become available in the near future.  When that happens I will report it to you.


Why Give the Hepatitis B Vaccine to Infants?

The CDC recommends a birth dose of the hepatitis B vaccine for all babies. Pediatrician, Dr. Allison Shuman explains why in this informative video.

If you live in a part of the world where chronic HBV is at a medium (2-7% of population) or high prevalence rate (greater than 8% of population), your child is especially susceptible and at-risk for hepatitis B, with HBV transmission often occurring vertically from mother to child at birth, and horizontally from an HBV infected adult or another child’s infected body fluids to an unvaccinated baby or child. Please be sure that pregnant women are screened for hepatitis B. If mom tests positive for HBV, be sure baby receives a birth dose of the HBV vaccine and a shot of HBIG within 12 hours of birth. If mom tests negative for HBV, be sure that baby receives a birth dose of the HBV vaccine before leaving the hospital. Both babies of HBV infected and uninfected mom’s should receives shots 2 and 3 of the series according to schedule. Babies of infected mom’s should be tested at 18 months to be sure baby is hepatitis B free.

Please make arrangements with your doctor and the hospital to receive the HBV vaccine for your baby, prior to delivery, so you are sure the vaccine and/or HBIG are available at the hospital so prophylaxis can be given within 12 hours of birth. Please feel free to print and distribute  Chronic Hepatitis B in Pregnancy: Screening, Evaluation and Management (Part I and Part II) to your doctor.


Consider Viral Hepatitis Issues When you Vote

Election Day is fast approaching, and while there are many important issues to ponder, don’t forget to consider the candidates’ positions on vial hepatitis and health care issues.  There are 435 seats in the House of Representatives on the ballot, along with 33 senate seats.  The National Viral Hepatitis Roundtable (NVHR) sent surveys to the House and Senate asking them their position on viral hepatitis funding, the Affordable Care Act, the syringe exchange ban, HHS strategic plan, and the Viral Hepatitis Testing Act. Surveys continue to be returned, but were updated October 24th to reflect new additions. To read the returned candidate responses, go to NVHR’s Candidate Survey .  If you don’t see your state’s candidate included in the collection of surveys, contact the candidate, educate them on viral hepatitis issues, and personalize the cause if you are able.  If you need help, contact Ryan Clary, Director or Programs, and ask him about your Congressional candidate’s position on viral hepatitis prevention and treatment efforts, and what you might do to help the cause. Be sure to get out there and vote – Tuesday, November 6th.


Diagnosed with Chronic Hepatitis B? What do the HBe Blood Tests Mean?

Your liver specialist has informed you that you have a chronic hepatitis B infection, and that he wants to run additional blood work so he can learn more about your HBV. Some of this blood work may need to be repeated over a period of time, but over the next 6 months or so, your doctor will determine whether or not you are a good candidate for treatment.  Regardless, he will definitely want to continue monitoring. Remember, treatment is important, but rarely an emergency, so be patient.

Now you need additional lab work to determine your HBe status, which will tell you whether or not you are HBeAg and HBeAb (anti-HBe) negative or positive. This reveals a great deal about your HBV such as whether or not the virus is replicating, and how infectious you are to others.

At this point, it is helpful to have a little background on antigens and antibodies.  An antigen is a foreign substance in your body that evokes an immune response. This may include viruses, bacteria or other environmental agents such as pollen or a chemical. In this case, it is the HBV e antigen. Your previous hepatitis B panel tested for the surface antigen, or HBsAg.

Antibodies are produced as a result of an immune system response to antigens. These antigen/antibody pairings are unique. An antibody response can be generated as a result of an immune response to an actual infection, or as a result of vaccination.  An uninfected person vaccinated against hepatitis B will generate an immune response, or surface antibody (HBsAb, or anti-HBs) to the HBV vaccine.

The hepatitis e antigen, or HBeAg, is a marker of an actively replicating HBV virus infection. Those with a positive HBeAg have active replication in their liver cells, more of the virus circulating in their blood, and as a result, they are more infectious, with a higher likelihood of transmitting HBV to others.  Most often, when a person is HBeAg positive, they tend to be HBeAb negative and vice-versa. This active, replicating phase may go on for weeks, as in the case of an acute infection, or for years, or even decades in those chronically infected.

Eventually most move into a non-replicative stage. During this time, e antigen (HBeAg) is no longer in the blood, and the anti-HBe antibody (HBeAb) is generated and appears in blood work. This HBeAg serconversion, or loss of HBeAg and the gaining of the antibody, HBeAb, can happen due to treatment, or spontaneously without treatment. Entering this stage is typically a good thing, and is often a goal of treatment.  However, monitoring by your liver specialist bi-annually or at least annually is essential, even if you have had an HBeAg serconversion years ago and are considered in the non-replicative phase.

HBV is complicated, and sometimes you may relapse. In other words, you may seroconvert losing HBeAg and gaining the HBeAb antibody, but it may not be durable, and you may have an HBeAg reversion to an actively replicating stage where you are once again HBeAg positive and HBeAb negative.  Years ago they called it “flip-flopping”.  This possibility is one of many reasons why regular monitoring by your liver specialist is so important.

The other possibility is the development of HBe-negative hepatitis B, which is the result of hepatitis B mutations. These precore or core promoter mutations replicate without generating the HBe antigen. However, they are actively generating the virus, though typically not at the levels of those with HBeAg positive HBV.  Once again, it is critical to continue regular monitoring by your liver specialist, so you are sure you have not begun active generation of HBe negative mutations.

Additional blood work ordered by your liver specialist will further clarify your HBeAg and over-all HBV status, and whether or not treatment may benefit you.

More next time…

Diagnosed with Hepatitis B? Do You Need Treatment?

When people learn they are infected with hepatitis B, the first thing they want to know is “what can I take to get rid of this disease?” It can be complicated, and what can be even more difficult to understand is that during different stages of the disease there may be absolutely no benefit from currently available treatments.

Just diagnosed with HBV? Are you acute or chronic? 

First, if you have just been diagnosed with HBV, it is imperative that you determine if you have an acute or chronic infection. If you have an acute, or new infection, then it is important to know that very few people require any sort of treatment. Just be sure you are being monitored by your doctor, and take good care of your health and be sure to prevent transmission to others during this time.

Chronically infected, now what?

If your doctor determines you are chronically infected, then you will need additional information to determine what your next steps should be.

Remember that unless you display urgent symptoms, such as jaundice, or a bloated abdomen, or severe illness, you really can wait a few weeks, or even a few months, to see a liver specialist. Many people panic if they are unable to see a liver specialist immediately.  Relax, find a good doctor, learn what you can about hepatitis B, and take care while you wait.

How will you be evaluated?

Your liver specialist will do a complete work-up on you. He will perform a physical examination, get a complete medical history, and he will run additional blood tests to learn more about your hepatitis B status and your liver health. He may also get a baseline ultrasound or perform other diagnostic imaging procedures to gain more data so he can make a decision whether or not you would benefit from treatment at this time.  Some of the blood work may need to be repeated over a period of time before your doctor decides whether or not to move forward with treatment. Do not beg your doctor for treatment. Waiting and watching is sometimes the smartest thing to do.  Treatment is rarely an emergency. Time is on your side, so please be patient.

What can you do while you wait?

This is a good time to look at some of your personal lifestyle choices and consider some basic changes that might benefit you at this time. Avoid alcohol, and stop smoking. Focus on eating a well-balanced diet filled with fresh vegetables, fruit, whole grains and lean meats. Avoid fast and processed foods when possible. They may contain trans fats, partially hydrogenated fats, high fructose corn syrup and other less desirable “ingredients”. Don’t’ forget to get everyone in the household screened and vaccinated against HBV if you have not already done so.

What’s next? Tune in next time to learn about some of your blood work…

Which is Worse Chronic Hepatitis B or C? What Do You Think?

From HBF’s expert Guest Blogger, Dr. Thomas London

If you ask doctors in the United States, or patients with liver disease, or the average person on the street, the answer that you usually get is that Hepatitis C is worse.  Hepatitis C has a bad reputation in the media and with the public. We, at the Hepatitis B Foundation, tend to think that hepatitis B is the worse disease, but until now we have not had any basis for that answer. Now we do.

Recently a group of investigators from Johns Hopkins University published a paper with the title “Comparative Risk of Liver-Related Mortality from Chronic Hepatitis B Versus Chronic Hepatitis C Virus Infection”.  The answer from this publication is that hepatitis B is more likely to cause liver related death than hepatitis C.  It is worth dwelling on how the authors came to this conclusion: unexpectedly, the AIDS epidemic triggered the studies, which made the conclusion possible.

Acquired immune deficiency disease (AIDS) was first reported in the United States in 1981. The disease appeared to be deadly, and it was thought-to-be confined to homosexual men. In fact, it was initially called Gay Related Immune Deficiency or GRID.  Although it was soon proven that this new immune deficiency disease was not limited to gay men, it is true that men who had sex with men (MSM) accounted for most of the early cases.  In the 1970’s there were several reports that MSM had a high incidence of hepatitis B.  For the initial clinical trial of the then new hepatitis B vaccine, MSM in New York City were selected as the study population because of their high risk for hepatitis B infection. In the trial about 27% of the unvaccinated population became infected with hepatitis B virus (HBV) within 18 months, whereas less than 3% of the men who received the vaccine became infected over the same time interval.  This result proved the efficacy of the vaccine.

Fast forward to 1984 before the virus causing AIDS was clearly identified, several researchers suggested that a variant of hepatitis B was the cause. A group of investigators proposed a prospective study of MSM who had been tested for hepatitis B and a newly reported anti-HIV antibody, but who did not have immune deficiency disease.  By following the men over time, the thought was that it would be possible to observe which infection – HIV or hepatitis B or a combination of both – led to AIDS.

MSM were recruited from 4 cities in the USA (Baltimore, Chicago, Pittsburgh, Los Angeles); thereafter called the Multicenter Cohort Study (MACS).  Over four time intervals from 1984 to 2002, 6972 MSM were enrolled.  The men were followed until 2010, on average for more than 8 years. Serum samples were collected every 6 months, frozen and stored.  Although the hepatitis C virus had not yet been identified in 1984, all the samples were later tested for HIV, HBV and hepatitis C virus (HCV).  All deaths were recorded as were all liver related deaths.

The results were surprising. Comparable numbers of men were infected with HBV and HCV, but MSM with chronic hepatitis B were twice as likely to die a liver related death as the men with chronic hepatitis C.  The statistical analyses were carefully done to account for the treatments of HCV, HBV, and HIV that were used during the course of the study.  Immunodeficiency further increased the risk of liver death in the men with hepatitis B over that in the men with chronic hepatitis C.

The study showed that in the two and a half decades after 1984, hepatitis B infection was more serious than hepatitis C. Now, in 2012, this difference is even greater. Chronic hepatitis C has become a curable disease.  Chronic hepatitis B is manageable, but not yet curable.  This means that hepatitis B, which was already a worse disease than hepatitis C before the new therapies for HCV, is now a much more important unsolved health problem.

– Dr. Tom London

Dr. Tom London – Hepatitis B and Liver Cancer

Hep B Talk is pleased to introduce Guest Blogger W.Thomas London, MD. Dr. London is internationally renowned for his many decades of work on hepatitis B and liver cancer, which started with his joining the research team  that discovered the hepatitis B virus. Dr. London has been at the forefront of liver cancer prevention and has written extensively about hepatitis B from the perspective of an epidemiologist, a clinician and a virologist. As founder and director of the Liver Cancer Disease Prevention Division at Fox Chase Cancer Center in Philadelphia, PA, he  developed one of the first successful community-based strategies to help people reduce their cancer risk through the early detection of chronic HBV infection. Dr. London has received the Distinguished Interdisciplinary Research Award  from the American Cancer Society and the Distinguished Scientist Award from the Hepatitis B Foundation where he currently serves as Vice-Chair of the Board and as the Senior Medical Advisor.  

Liver cancer, hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), is the 3rd most common cause of death in the world.  Little attention was paid to HCC in the United States until recently because it was thought to be rare, but now it is one of the few cancer types that is rising in incidence (number of new cases per year). It is now the most rapidly increasing cancer in men in the US. The prognosis of HCC is poor; one year survival in the United States from the time of diagnosis is only 50%.  Detection of tumors when they are very small, less than 2 cm in diameter, and can be removed surgically is the best chance for cure.  Liver transplantation is often done if there is more than 1 tumor and the cancers are less than 3 cm in diameter.  Unfortunately, most HCCs are diagnosed when they are too large for successful surgical resection or transplantation.

Chemotherapy for HCC has been disappointing. Recently, the drug, Sorafenib (Nexavar), has been shown to be active against HCC, but it only extended survival time by a few months.  Thousands of drugs have been developed by the pharmaceutical industry for a great variety of conditions.  Of these, 983 have approved by the FDA.  That is they were tested in clinical trials, found to be safe and were beneficial for the purposes that they were approved

Scientists at the Hepatitis B Foundation and elsewhere have raised the question, are there drugs on the currently approved FDA list that are used for other purposes that might have a role in the treatment or prevention of HCC?  Recent publications suggest 2 candidates.  One is metformin (Glucophage), which is derived from the French lilac, and has been used in Europe since 1958 to treat Type 2 diabetes and in the United States since 1995. The other is propranalol, which is used to treat patients with cirrhosis who have varicose veins in the lower end of their esophagus (esophageal varices).

Diabetes is a recognized risk factor for HCC, particularly in persons who are obese and have a fatty liver. (Diabetics are also at increased risk of acquiring hepatitis B). Because patients with diabetes are often treated with metformin, investigators in China and France have looked at whether treatment with metformin lowers the risk of developing HCC.  By examining the records of diabetic patients who were treated with metformin or not, they observed that the risk of HCC was lower in the treated patients.  Furthermore, an experimental study of liver cancer in mice showed that metformin reduced the number and size of liver tumors.

Propranolol is used to lower the pressure in the portal vein and thereby in esophageal varices.  A group of physicians in France looked at the occurrence of HCC in patients with hepatitis C and esophageal varices who received propranolol treatment and those who did not.  There was about a 75% reduction in the incidence of HCCs in the propranolol treated patients.  Propranolol blocks receptors for epinephrine (adrenalin) and nor-epinephrine on cells in the body.  Such receptors are particularly rich on the surface of tumor cells, including HCCs. Experimentally propranolol has been effective in reducing the size and number of  several different kinds of tumors.

The studies that have been done so far are intriguing, but they are not conclusive.  Neither drug has been studied in a clinical trial to either treat established HCCs or to prevent HCC from occurring in the first place.  Such studies are in the planning stages.  Keep watching for progress on this front.


Join CDC and HBF for a World Hepatitis Day Twitter Chat

Are you planning to join us for the World Hepatitis Day Twitter Chat on Friday, July 27th? The CDC and HBF will be hosting a Twitter Chat at 2 pm EDT.  Are you thinking, “What… me??  I don’t know how to use twitter!!” Well, get-on- board with twitter before July 27th and join us!

What is twitter?  Twitter allows you to stay connected or exchange short messages called tweets with friends, family, co-workers, organizations and partners, and the world at large. You can tweet from your computer, your laptop, i-pad or smartphone. You can use it to update your status on the go, or in HBF’s case, use it to educate and raise hepatitis B awareness.  We also use it to send out current or new information on hepatitis B and to make our resources available to others.  If you are a hepatitis B advocate, twitter is a great outlet to get your message out there.

What is a handle? Your twitter username is your handle. For example HBF’s twitter handle is @HepBFoundation. Handles are preceded with a @symbol. You can find us at www.twitter.com/HepBFoundation.

What is a tweet? A tweet is basically a short message or status that you post to twitter. You can compose a tweet by clicking on the blue compose button in the top right corner, or from the “Compose New Tweet” box (top left after you login) Tweets are kept at 140 characters or less. If you make your tweets about 10 characters shorter, you’ll leave room for others to easily retweet your messages.  Don’t worry. Twitter does the counting for you.

Your message can be just that – a message: “2 billion people in the world have been infected with #hepatitis B”, or you can add a reference to the source such as HBF’s website where you can find this quote  A URL shortener will be invoked to take that long URLs like  http://www.hepb.org/hepb/statistics.htm  and turn it into: http://ow.ly/ciWvu

What is a retweet? A retweet or RT is when you repost someone else’s tweet so it will be shared with your followers. It lets everyone know you like that message and lets you spread the word.  Retweeting is a great way to get started if you’re a little nervous about composing your own tweets.  To retweet, all you need to do is put your cursor over a tweet that you like, and you’ll see retweet highlighted. Click and you’ve just done your first retweet!

What’s a hashtag? A hashtag allows you to categorize messages in twitter.  You precede a keyword with a hashtag, or the “#” symbol, to note a topic of interest. I typically use simple twitter hashtags such as #hepatitis B, or #HBV in my messages so that others interested in HBV topics will see my tweets. Rather than put them at the end of a tweet, I typically work them into my message. For example: “There are 400 million people chronically infected with #hepatitis B in the world.” Lots of viral hepatitis followers are using the #hepatitis hashtag, so they are sure to see my posted tweet. The hashtag will allow them to easily search twitter from the search box (top right) in twitter and retweet my message.  It might also encourage them to follow me since hepatitis B is an interest that we share. When I see tweeps tweeting with the #hepatitis hashtag, I tend to follow them, and if they continue to post good content, I might even add them to one of my twitter lists.

What is a Tweep? A tweep is a twitter user.

Getting Started.  All you need to get started is an email account, a picture or logo (though twitter will assign you their default image if you don’t upload one, so don’t let that stop you.), and a statement about you or your organization.

Go to www.twitter.com and sign up for a new account. It’s really pretty simple. If you have your email and image ready to upload, you can be in and out in a few minutes. Twitter will walk you through the whole thing – nothing tricky!

So what should you do to become familiar with twitter? Assuming you plan to follow what’s new in the world of hepatitis B, our twitter chat on the 27th and viral hepatitis events beyond World Hepatitis Day, then consider a few things:

Who do you want to follow? Consider following viral hepatitis organizations like the Hepatitis B Foundation (@HepBfoundation), CDCs Division of Viral Hepatitis (@cdchep), World Hepatitis Alliance (@Hep_Alliance) or other favorite viral hepatitis orgs you may know. You may also consider following medical doctors, journalists, or viral hepatitis advocates you find out there in the big-virtual world. Don’t forget about the community at large. You’ll find others interested in hepatitis B by using the #hepatitis, #HBV or #worldhepday hashtags in the search box. Part of the goal is to educate and raise HBV awareness. At HBF, The world is our target audience. We are happy to follow, or be followed by anyone that is interested in hepatitis B.

Who will follow you? In the beginning, you’re not going to have a lot of followers. Don’t worry about it! Building a following takes time. Slowly but surely as you start participating, you will gain new followers. Start by “retweeting” someone you are following, and most likely they will follow you back if you are helping them get their message out.

The World Hepatitis Day Twitter Chat sounds great! How do I join the conversation? It’s simple. The Twitter Chat starts at 2 pm EDT on Friday, July 27th. Login to your twitter account and be ready to contribute. We will be using the #WHDchat hashtag for this chat. All you need to do is search twitter for the #WHDchat and it will generate a list with all of the tweets from the conversation. If you see a tweet that you like, retweet it.  If you’d like to contribute to the conversation with your own message, compose your tweet and be sure to add the #WHDchat at the end of your tweet or no one will see it.

That’s it! Join the conversation on July 27th at 2 pm EDT!

What Are Your Plans for World Hepatitis Day?

World Hepatitis Day is July 28th. Organizations and advocates around the globe are organizing viral hepatitis events to educate, screen, and raise viral hepatitis awareness in their communities.

World hepatitis Day was launched by the World Hepatitis Alliance in 2008. Last year, July 28th, the birthday of Dr. Baruch Blumberg was designated as the official World Hepatitis Day. Dr. Blumberg won the Nobel Prize in 1976 for his discovery of the hepatitis B virus, and development of the first hepatitis B vaccine. He was also an inspirational friend to the Hepatitis B Foundation.

Please take a look at the proposed World Hepatitis Day events occurring around the globe.  The chart is a work in progress, so let me know your activates for the day or days preceding World Hepatitis Day, and a contact point, and I’ll be sure to update the chart ASAP. Leave a comment or send your info to contact@hepb.org.  If you’re not planning an event, but would like to get involved, check out any events that may be near you. Countries are listed alphabetically.

Don’t forget to take advantage of the promotional campaign materials provided by the World Hepatitis Alliance. World Hepatitis Day really is “closer than you think”.



Country Event Contact
Australia Queensland:

  • Free lecture presented by Dr. Joshua Davis, speaking about his work with HBV in indigenous communities in the Northern Territory. Cairns.
  • Yarnin up HepB for Aboriginal and Torres Straits Islander health workers to discuss all things HBV with Dr. Davis. Cairns.
  • “Hep Day Out” at CSHS features tours of the QuIHN van, an acoustic jam and more. Cairns
  • Hepatitis Indigenous Community Awareness Event, organized by Hepatitis Queensland. Brisbane.

Australian Capital Territory (ACT): WHD Community & Stakeholder Forum. Canberra.

New South Wales (NSW): Numerous community events, including Love your Liver or Healthy liver themed lunches and breakfast events; art themed events and workshops; general hepatitis health promotion events; and targeted events focussing on Indigenous communities, youths, prisoners, injecting drug users, culturally and linguistically diverse communities, and tattooing.

Victoria (VIC): Spotlight on hepatitis B aiming to increase the capacity of community and health workers to include hepatitis B in their work; Street Shot photo exhibition and Love your liver lunch, using photography to educate young people about viral hepatitis

Western Australia (WA): Street Art exhibition targeted at youths; Love your Liver educational workshop and lunch; WHD Redbacks Basketball Game; CALD Community hepatitis B Workshop

Cairns events:

Rhondda Lewis,

Ph. 0061742264761




  • Round Table discussion meeting held at National Press Club in Dhaka
  • Publication of awareness articles in national news dailies
  • Talk show on one of the local satellite TV channels
  • Printing and nationwide distribution of posters bearing logos of Viral Hepatitis Foundation Bangladesh, CEVHAP and WHA.
Dr. Mamun-Al-Mahtab


Ghana Public disease awareness campaigns on radio and TV using KE drawn from the Theobald hepatitis B foundation Lectures and presentations targeting high schools, Market places and churches

Events will occur in Tamale 23-July, Kumasi 25-July, Accra 28-July

  • Floats through the principal street
  • Public disease awareness campaigns on radio and/or TV,
  • Free HBV screening for school age children and the public
  • Hepatitis B education presentation and materials
  • Possible fundraising through entertainment

Media programs to include:

  • Articles on hepatitis
  • Distribution of stickers, flyers and posters to hospitals, clinics, lorry stations and other public places
  • Press releases to all media houses
  • Interviews on Radio stations
  • Use of social media to educate people on hepatitis  (twitter, facebook)
Theobald Owusu-Ansah


+233-20-8269214 /  +233-247093893

Hong Kong Hepatitis B

  • Asiahep HK LTD will have a week-long promotion in public for HBV awareness with support from celebrities
  • A press conference is scheduled on 27 July with arrangement by FH. We will be launching our liver APPS and revamped website
  • Talks to doctors and public late June, and in Macau for a talk on 28 July

Hepatitis C:

  • Press Conference to introduce CEVHAP organization and announcement of World Hepatitis Day (July 22)
  • TV / Radio interview program to promote WHD (July to October)
  • Newspaper / Magazine health featuring articles on HCV (July – Nov)
  • Mini-Education video on chronic hepatitis C
Dr. Nancy Leung





Prof CL Lai


New Zealand
  • A national campaign, beginning early July will have screen printed advertisements displayed on the back of public buses in all major cities of both the North and South Island.
  • Week before July 28th there will be a national radio campaign as well as advertisements in national publications including GP magazine.
  • July 26th there will be a rally on the grounds of the parliament. 1000 helium balloons, each representing NZers infected with viral hepatitis
Hepatitis Foundation of New Zealand



  • Manifestation: 580 Roses, Place Sweden, Jppsala University Hospital; Main entrance: Sjukhusgatan; Time: 28 July 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Kaj Johansson RN


United States NYC – community orgs and hepatitis advocates celebrate WHD by hosting events across all 5 boroughs of NYC


Philadelphia- Viral Hepatitis Symposium for patients, families and members of the general public. http://www.liverfoundation.org/chapters/midatlantic/events/823/ Register today.



Delval@liverfoundation.org or Erica Stein at 215-425-8080

World Hepatitis Alliance
  • Join World Hepatitis Alliance as they celebrate World Hepatitis Day 2012 with their Guinness World Record: WHD 2012 by having the most people performing the “See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil” actions in 24 hours at multiple venues around the world.  Check out the details and get a group together for the