Board of Directors & Staff
Board of Directors
Timothy M. Block, PhD, (bio)
Co-founder and Chair
Stanley Broadbent
Retired Managing Director, The Glenmede Trust
Carol Brosgart, MD
Clinical Prof. of Medicine, UC San Francisco
Nathaniel Brown, MD
Retired biotech/pharma executive (focus on HBV and HCV)
Lillian W. Chiang, PhD, MBA
President and CEO, Evrys Bio
Gang Chen, MD, PhD
Physician, epidemiologist, consultant
Chari A. Cohen, DrPH, MPH
President, Hepatitis B Foundation
Heather Davis, PhD
Retired University Professor; Industry consultant
Loren Danzis, JD
Attorney, Fox Rothschild
David A. Gruber, CPA
Owner, Gruber Administrative Services, LLC
Lu-Yu Hwang, MD
Professor, UTHealth Houston School of Public Health
Raman Kapur, MBA
Chairman, Transition Patient Services, LLC
Louis P. Kassa III, MPA
CEO, Hepatitis B Foundation, Baruch S. Blumberg Institute and Pennsylvania Biotechnology Center (PABC); President of the PABC, President, Board of Directors
Mark Petty, MBA
Operating Partner, Tinicum, LP
Lewis Roberts, MB, ChB, PhD
Professor of Medicine, Mayo Clinic
Joel Rosen, Esq
Attorney, High Swartz Law Firm
Elizabeth Seeber, MBA, CPA, FHFMA
V.P., Chief Financial Officer, Doylestown Health
Elizabeth D. Sigety, Esq
Partner, Fox Rothschild LLP
Walter Tsou, MD, MPH
Adjunct Professor, University of Pennsylvania; Former City Health Commissioner of Philadelphia
Su Wang, MD, MPH, FACP
Medical Director, Center for Asian Health
Catharine Williams, MGA
Retired Economic Development Officer
Scientific and Medical Advisors
Harvey Alter, MD
Nobel Laureate
Former Chief, Infectious Disease Section, Transfusion Medicine, National Institutes of Health
Timothy M. Block, PhD
Co-Founder, Hepatitis B Foundation and Baruch S. Blumberg Institute
Nathaniel Brown, MD
Retired Biotech/Pharma Executive (focus on HBV and HCV), San Francisco
Carol Brosgart, MD
Clinical Professor of Medicine, Division of Global Health, UC San Francisco
Francis Chisari, MD
National Academy of Sciences; National Academy of Medicine; Professor Emeritus, Scripps Research Institute
Raymond Dwek, DPhil, FRS
Professor and Founder, Glycobiology Institute at the University of Oxford, Oxford, UK
Hashem B. El-Serag, MD, MPH
Vice President, Learning Health System; Margaret M and Albert B Alkek Professor; Chair, Department of Medicine, Baylor College of Medicine
Anthony Ford-Hutchinson, PhD
Former Merck Sr. VP, Vaccine Research
Lawrence S. Friedman, MD
The Anton R. Fried, M.D., Chair, Department of Medicine, Newton-Wellesley Hospital; Assistant Chief of Medicine, Massachusetts General Hospital; Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School and Tufts University School of Medicine
Don Ganem, MD
Professor Emeritus, UC San Francisco
Robert G. Gish, MD
Medical director, Hepatitis B Foundation, and principal, Robert G Gish Consulting LLC
Haitao Guo, PhD
Professor, Department of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics; Co-Leader, Cancer Virology Program, UPMC Hillman Cancer Center, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine
Hie-Won L. Hann, MD
Professor and director, Liver Disease Prevention Center, Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, Philadelphia
Ira M. Jacobson, MD
Professor of Medicine, NYU Langone Health
Patrick Kennedy, MB, BCH, BAO, BMEDSCI, FRCP, MD
Professor of Translational Hepatology; Consultant Hepatologist, Queen Mary University of London
Anna Lok, MD
Alice Lohrman Andrews Research Professor of Hepatology, Director of Clinical Hepatology, Assistant Dean for Clinical Research, University of Michigan
Brian McMahon, MD
Scientific and Clinical Director, Liver Disease and Hepatitis Program, Alaska Native Medical Center, Fairbanks, AK
Anand Mehta, PhD
SmartState Endowed Chair in Proteomic Biomarkers; Professor, Medical University of South Carolina
Robert Perrillo, MD
Senior Research Hepatologist, Hepatology Division of Baylor University Medical Center, Dallas, and Adjunct Professor of Medicine, University of Texas Southwestern
Lewis Roberts, MB, ChB, PhD
Professor of Medicine, Mayo Clinic
Kenneth Rothstein, MD
Director of Regional Outreach and Regional Hepatology; Professor of Clinical Medicine, Penn Medicine
Raymond Schinazi, PhD
Professor, Pediatrics and Chemistry, and Director of the Laboratory of Biochemical Pharmacology, Emory University; Founder of RFS Pharma
Thomas Shenk, PhD
Elkins Professor, Dept. of Molecular Biology, Princeton University
John Tavis, PhD
Professor, Molecular Microbiology and Immunology, Saint Louis University School of Medicine
Norah Terrault, MD
Professor, Chief of Gastroenterology and Liver Diseases, University of Southern California
David Thomas, MD
Professor of Medicine, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine; Co-Director, Clinical Core, Johns Hopkins Center for AIDS Research
Jack Wallace, PhD, MSS
Senior Research Officer, Burnet Institute
Scientific and Medical Advisory Board Members Emeritus
Stephen Locarnini, MD, PhD
Board Members Emeritus
Joan Block, RN, BSN
Alan Brownstein, MPH
Joseph Hediger
Janine Witte
Honorary Board Members
Anne Blumberg Dorfman
Jane Blumberg
In Memoriam
Baruch Blumberg, MD, DPhil
Nobel Laureate
Distinguished Scholar of the Hepatitis B Foundation (2011)
W. Thomas London, MD
Emeritus, Fox Chase Cancer Center (2017)
William Mason, PhD
Emeritus, Fox Chase Cancer Center (2022)
Edith Mitchell, MD
Jefferson University (2024)
Bud Tennant, DVM
College of Veterinary Medicine, Cornell University (2016)
Paul Witte
Co-Founder (2021)
Chari A. Cohen, DrPH, MPH
Su Wang, MD, MPH, FACP
Senior Advisor for Global Health
Monique Benvenutti
Social Media and Communications Manager
Fiona Borondy-Jenkins, MPH
Public Health Research Fellow
Maura Delaney
Events Manager
Joe Erckert
Chief Development Officer, Institutional Advancement
Catherine Freeland, PhD, MPH
Associate Director, Public Health Research
Frank Hood
Associate Director, Policy & Partnerships; Director, Hep B United
Yasmin Ibrahim, MD, PhD, MBA
Public Health Program Director
Michaela Jackson, MS
Program Director, Prevention Policy
Shreya Koirala
Program Coordinator, Public Health
Michelle Liu, MPH
Program Manager, Advocacy and Engagement
Megan Pierce, CMP
Director of Events
Anousha Qureshi
Program Coordinator, Public Health
Ginny Robison
Consult Manager
Alaina Schukraft
Development Manager
Edward F. Tate III, MS
Chief Communications Officer
Brooke Walsh
Development Coordinator
Beatrice Zovich, MPH
Program Manager, Public Health