Join Hepatitis B Foundation, NASTAD and CDC’s Division of Viral Hepatitis for a Twitter HepChat at 2 p.m. (ET) Thursday, June 13th. The chat will highlight Hepatitis Awareness Month outreach events and allow partner organizations to share their successes, challenges and lessons learned from their efforts. Keep us posted with your events throughout the month with the hashtag #Hepaware19 and remember to join the Twitter Chat conversation with the hashtag #HepChat19.
Below are the proposed Twitter Chat topics for discussion. Participants are invited to share images and short video clips from their events in May, as well as best practices and challenges in conducting outreach and other events.
T1: What education, outreach, & testing events did you conduct during Hepatitis Awareness Month?
T2: How do you prepare for and conduct education, outreach, and testing events?
T3: How do you engage key communities in the planning process? In hosting the events?
T4: What educational or promotional materials do you use at your Hepatitis Awareness Month activities?
T5: Who are your key partners for Hepatitis Awareness Month? For hepatitis related work throughout the year? Tag them in your response!
T6: What best practices would you share with others who might be planning their first event?
T7: How can raising awareness in May and beyond address hepatitis B or C stigma?
T8: What role will your organization play in eliminating hepatitis B and C in your community?
Plan to share your hepatitis outreach event, successes and challenges, pictures, and video clips, or use this opportunity to ask the featured organizations questions about their work.
Hosts and their handles for the chat:
- Hepatitis B Foundation – @HepBFoundation
- CDC’s, Division of Viral Hepatitis – @cdchep
- CDC National Prevention Information Network – @CDCNPIN (Moderator)
Featured Partners
- Minnesota Department of Health – @MNHealth
- National Association of County & City Health Officials (NACCHO) – @NACCHOAlerts
- Hep Education project – @HepEduProject
- San Francisco Hep B Free – Bay Area – @sfhepbfree
Confirmed Participants
- Hep B United – @HepBUnited
- Hep B United Philadelphia – @HepBunitedPhila
- AAPCHO – @hepBPolicy
- Hepatitis Delta Connect – @Hepdconnnect
- Hep Free NYC -@hepfreenyc
- Hepatitis C Allies of Philadelphia (HepCAP) – @Hep_CAP
- Coalition Against Hepatitis for People of African Origin – @CHIPO_HBV
- Liver Cancer Connect – @livercancerconn
- Hep Free Hawaii – @HepFreeHawaii
- Hepatitis Business Solutions – @HenryEChang
- U.S. Department of Health & Human Services – @HHS_ViralHep
- Asian Health Coalition – @CAHE_AHC
- Rhode Island Department of Health – @RIHealth
Email to confirm your participation and to be added to the list. Looking forward to the conversation, June 13th!